Sep 23, 2012

Homemade Laundry Soap

I've seen quite a few posts on Pinterest lately for homemade laundry detergent, so I decided to give it a try. I used the recipe here, but changed a few things.

Here's the original recipe:

  • 1 Cup Borax
  • 1 Cup washing soda
  • natural bar soap
  • essential oil if desired
  • five 1 gallon containers
Grate the soap bar in a pot, add 4 cups water and cook on low until the soap dissolves. Then add borax and washing soda, stir until dissolved and then divided equally among five 1 gallon containers. Fill the rest of the way with water and overnight it will thicken. Use 1/4 cup per load like normal laundry detergent.

I added peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils (which smell amazing!), and I also used a bar of my homemade soap instead of store bought soap (she recommended fels-naptha). We've only used it for 3 loads, but so far so good!

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